Thursday, March 5, 2009

Off on an Adventure!

My Sweet and hardworking Hubs got home a few hours early today... so we are off to go find some adventure somewhere! I did give him the option to stay home and do nothing. He didn't want to do that. And I also gave him the option of finishing the guest room... but reminded him that in light of the fact that company is no longer coming, we could wait to do it tomorrow night or during the weekend. He chose the weekend.

So.... we are outta here. Don't worry, there is a Guard Dog On Duty!

Thanks for reading... be blessed! I will check back when we return and share where and what we were up to!

We made it home safely... and we had a great time... we found a great antique mall (or two!) We did make one purchase and I will share that tomorrow. After our excursion... we made a stop on the way home to pick up some things DH needed for work... and found a great Chinese Buffet. We ate til we were full and satisfied... and DH managed to wrap up some chicken stix for the "Guard Dog on Duty". We all had take out! ;) We are happy and content and ready to finish this week!

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