Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ready, Set, Go!

I went up to the hospital this morning for my pre-op admission stuff.... everything went very smooth and I am requested to be there tomorrow morning at 9:30 sans make-up, contact lenses, jewelry and deodorant! DH will be taking me and also driving me home. I am hoping for a good out-come to the reasons for my chest pain... and to also be able to swallow again with relative ease... a side affect from radiation treatments. (Sorry for the TMI!)

My Hyalgan shots are already working... after my appointment, I felt good, so I continued to drive west. I stopped in Williamsport at the TJMaxx and More... (Home Goods!!!!) and proceeded to shop like a crazy fool. I found soooo much cool stuff, but left most of it behind. I made a few other stops around town and on my way home. I finally drug myself home around 3:00-ish... after leaving the house at 8:30! I haven't been out doing that kind of fun galavanting in a very long time! It's great to start feeling good again!

So... that's all I've got for now. I managed to stay in the banding and tape from p/t for the full 48 hours and a few more. It was interesting to try and get that tape off and still leave my skin intact.... DH had a great moisturizing shower gel that worked really well at loosening the tapes. I only have a small amount of residue to get off with alcohol now! My knees do ache... but I am not in the pain that I was in.... relief is very welcomed!

Thanks for reading... be blessed!


Sandy said...

Good luck tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Me too, I wish you good luck today, Suzanne. You'll be back to feeling great so you can enjoy the rest of the summer.
Best always, Sandra

troutay said...

Hope all goes well!