Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sweet Sunday Love...

It's so good to be home! (Can't say that enough!) What a see-saw I've been on... one minute I feel fine and then all of a sudden... outta nowhere, I feel yucky and tired, my back will hurt and I get dizzy. I see the doctor tomorrow to go over my results and see how I am going to manage this new phase of my life.

We got up after the phone rang early this morning and I made breakfast, cleaned the kitchen, took a shower and got ready for church. I was worn out before we left, but I went anyway. It was good to go and hear a good sermon and have great music and see new friends. When we got home, I ate a simple lunch and then went to sleep.... sleeping 3 hours this afternoon. DH is doing his laundry and now we are watching the Andy Griffith Show. I am contemplating what we are having for dinner... there is so much that I want and can't have, being on a fairly restrictive diet. It takes a lot of the fun out of cooking when you can't have all the good and salty things that you like to use, like bbq sauce, Worcestershire sauce, cheese, anything that is canned... you get the idea. How do you make a marinade without using soy sauce?

So... it's been a fairly quiet day here... I did go outside and visit my neighbors... and yes, I was in my nightgown and a cardigan! (If you drove by... so sorry!) Nolli has been stuck by my side like glue, and had to be coaxed to go outside for a potty break. I wished DH a Happy Fathers Day... and he got 2 nice, dreamy knit shirts to wear to church. There have been phone calls to his Dad and from his brother. Tomorrow is also DH's birthday, we shall see what kind of celebration it will be... last year we were in the middle of moving and I had to leave the morning of his birthday, so there was no special dinner and no cake. Not this year... this year, there will be a dinner and a cake... even if I have to order take-out and go to the bakery!

Thanks for reading... Thanks for your prayers and concern for my absence!
Be Blessed!


Pearl said...

happy father's day to DH!

Anonymous said...

Celebrate big Suzanne: A birthday is a great ocassion to really do things up with a bash. Nolli is such a little trooper. She misses you terribly when you're away. I hope you get some good news from the Doc.
Best always, Sandra