Sunday, January 9, 2011

What a Mess!

We have been enjoying  a quiet Sunday. We slept in until almost 9... I walked the dogs and grabbed the paper. We decided on what to do for breakfast... DH cooked some bacon while I made oatmeal along with toast and juice. I read the paper after breakfast and clipped coupons.

Later, I jumped in the shower to get ready to go to the grocery store. I was just going to the local one about a mile or so away. I did my shopping and loaded the groceries into the car. It was a little windy and it's very cold. I got winded and had a hard time catching my breath. I drove home and called DH from the driveway to help me unload the groceries.

He carried it all inside for me and helped me put it away. I was sitting at the small table we have in the kitchen and I had fixed myself a tall cold glass of diet soda because I was soooo very thirsty. DH was still putting things away and I reached for something to hand him... and I knocked my tall, cold glass of diet soda over... spilling it across the table, down the wall, into the heating unit and on to the floor... brown, fizzy soda and ice cubes went everywhere... and I burst into tears in embarrassment and horror of the mess I had just made.

DH calmly comforted me and we both sprung into action. I cleaned what I could and he cleaned the rest. He's my hero... but then anyone who ever read this for long knows that! He works so hard for us... and he loves us all so much... I can't tell you how much he has had to take on lately with this latest health thing... I can't do a whole lot... and he takes up all the slack. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful man. He didn't get mad at me for making such a sticky mess... and yet, he could have. That's such wonderful Sweet Sunday Love!

Thanks for reading... be blessed!

PS... DH said there really wasn't that much soda to clean up... and then he went into the basement, where upon he discovered the rest of my soda had gone through the hole in the floor where the heating pipe goes through to the furnace... and all my soda had landed on the top of the washer and the empty laundry basket that was sitting on it. Ewwww... two messes for him to clean up. (I'm so sorry!)

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