Monday, March 16, 2009

FOR TODAY (March 16, 2009)...

Outside my window... it's good weather... 60 degrees with high cloud cover

I am thinking... about all the people we saw on Saturday... Friends and Foe!

I am thankful for... full cupboards, my friends, and a new stove to be delivered this week!

From the kitchen... we have so many choices after going to Trader Joes! I even managed to get some fresh sugar snap peas for dinner this week!

I am wearing... jeans, a hot pink knit top and a pair of birkenstocks.

I am creating... nothing at this moment...

I am going... to do laundry today.

I am reading... my bible, blogs and Coastal Living magazine.
I am hoping... to continue to make our little nest comfy and cozy and "organized."

I am hearing... my DH working on his getting his truck organized, and the tv in the background

Around the house... we still need to get that dresser painted, laundry needs to be put away and dinner to start in a little while.

One of my favorite things... memories of this last Saturday... I can't wait to share them with you!

A few plans for the rest of the week: To go to the library, to clean the stairway and our new stove delivery!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

When we went to visit our dear friends, Mary and Rob... she had these chargers and this adorable bunny waiting for me! I love bunnies and I love these chargers too! Friends are such a blessing... and these wonderful gifts have come to a good home!

Thanks for reading... be blessed!



Elizabeth said...

Hey I am happy to hear you are getting a new exciting! What color? Flat top or original? E

Elizabeth said...

It exciting to hear you are receiving your new stove!! What color? Flat top or original? What fun....what will you cook first!
Elizabeth BFF