Sunday, April 7, 2013

Simple Woman's Daybook

Simple Woman's Daybook...

FOR TODAY (April 7, 2013)...

Outside my window... it's been a lovely day at 62 degrees with high thin clouds. Spring had finally arrived here.

I am thinking... about Spring flowers and planting. Also about being able to get our patio furniture out to so I can sit outside.

I am thankful for... a hard working husband that works seemingly endless hours to provide for us.

From the kitchen... Grilled chicken alfredo from our trip to Sam's club yesterday.
I am wearing... an aqua and balck floral sprig dress and silver jewelry.

I am creating... a painted border clay pot for my porch.

I am going... go nowhere today... I ran myself ragged the past 2 days with errands and shopping.

I am reading... Rod Stewart's autobiography... almost done with it.

I am hoping... to plan a day trip when DH goes on vacation later this month down to Lancaster.

I am hearing... the tv, the air purifier in the other room and a sleeping Punky-dog in her crate.

Around the house... there are some things to put away from shopping and the dishwasher needs to be emptied!

One of my favorite things... watching "Call the Midwife" and "Mr. Selfridge" - both on PBS!
A few plans for the rest of the week: I have to pick up medical records to visit my cardio-thoracic surgeon later this month and I see my pulmonolgist this week.  I am hoping to be well enough to schedule lunch with the girls from work this week.

Thanks for reading... be blessed!

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