Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just A Little Speechless...

I have had a hard time sitting myself down to write. I really don't like my desk chair. It makes my new knee hurt something fierce. That and I've been feeling a tiny bit shy as of late. Lots of things are rolling around in my head that would make great blogging topics... and then I remember who (or whom) may be reading... and I grow all shy. (Anyone who really knows me, knows that I am not really shy at all.)

Anyway... here's a fun topic for you... Trader Joes! We don't have one up near us. The closest one is 70 miles away, just outside of Philadelphia. When we moved here a year and half ago... I went through some crazy withdrawals for things from Trader Joes and Costco. We do have a Sam's Club 25 miles away as well as a Wegman's, but they aren't the same as the first two. We also have to do without things like Chipotle, HomeGoods and Chik-Fil-A and a good bible bookstore. (And great music from our favorite radio station, WGTS... which I like to live-stream... so I don't really have to do without while I am home.) Also, I miss my girlfriends from town... very much!

Ok... back to Trader Joes... last Saturday, when I woke up, I had some good energy and felt like myself for the first time since having the flu. DH was working in his office on paperwork and going through files. We both had a little bit of cabin fever since both of us being in the hospital and being slightly less than stellar. I suggested taking a roadtrip to Trader Joes. We decided that we would take all back roads down... because DH wanted to see how bridge construction was progressing over the LeHigh River. We went over the mountains on Rt. 209 and found some great places to go back and visit. And we did go under the bridge at LeHigh... and went around the mountain instead of going through the tunnel. It was great fun and we saw so much that will again be fun to go check out on another Saturday.

We found Trader Joe's in a pristine little shopping center that has super great shops in it... like Coldwater Creek, which right next store! We enjoyed shopping and getting yummy things for DH's new eating plan to help his digestive track heal. They have the best garlic and basil linguine ever! And of course we bought lots of fish... we got quite a bit of good stuff to load into the freezer... buffalo burgers and chicken burgers and even taquito's and french toast! I also got sparkling lemonade... (No pink tho!)

We had dinner at Chipotle after shopping! Poor DH couldn't really have a whole lot in his burrito except extra chicken and lots of rice, cheese and sour cream. Me, on the other hand... enjoyed salsa and guacamole and chips along with my burrito bowl!
We headed straight for home after that so that we could take care of the dogs and get all our frozen stuff put away! It was perfect weather for such a fun drive... good music playing, good conversation, and being able to enjoy the countryside of this crazy state we live in.

Ok... that was a lot to write... and yet I feel as tho I've left something out. If I did... only I will know it! I've got to get busy and make some potato salad for dinner... a real simple one with no celery or pickle because of DH. Using fingerling potatoes because they have a soft waxy skin. I need to get outside and start raking and doing spring clean up... we have a good 4 wheel barrow loads of pine cones from our fir trees to clean up from all the winds.

Thanks for reading... be blessed!

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