Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY (February 16th)...
Outside my window... it's snowing yet again... a fine powdered snow.
I am thinking... of all the things I'd like to do today, but won't because of the snow.
I am thankful for... my Wonderful DH, my brother, how Punky has become healthy.
From the kitchen... there are plans to make and freeze spaghetti sauce and chili.
I am wearing... my favorite old comfy jeans, a pink t-shirt, my heather colored hoodie and my pink slippers.
I am creating... a more organized handbag for myself.
I am going... to talk to an admissions officer about going back to school.
I am reading... a new chronological bible... we've always wanted one.
I am hoping... to tackle some of my to-do list this week.
I am hearing... the sounds of quiet from the snow... the dogs are sleeping in the bedroom.
Around the house... things need to be picked up again... DH had a tough night last night, the sofa and table are a wreck!
One of my favorite things... is how attached Punky has become to me... she whined yesterday when I left to do some shopping, for the first time!
A few plans for the rest of the week: it all depends on what happens with the admissions officer! We do have some shopping to do in Wilkes-Barre this weekend tho.

Thanks for reading... be blessed!