Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday Blues...

It is so stormy out today... heavy rains have our stream turned into a muddy raging river. And the wind??? It's blowing so strong... all we have heard all morning long is the house creaking and windows rattling and pine cones falling on the roof. It's been quite noisy!

Our weekend was fairly pleasant... on Saturday, we had a nice breakfast and then headed over to Bloomsburg to do some shopping. We had 2 specific errands to run... 1. To find a filter for our vacuum cleaner... and 2. to get DH a hair cut. We accomplished both of those things rather quickly and then stopped into a mattress shop to look around... and we did, along with getting an education on construction and COST! (Holy Cow... it shouldn't cost that much to get a good nights sleep!) We stopped for a quick lunch and then came home. We also rented movies that we couldn't watch... (Red Box) because they were vended for Blu-Ray, which we don't have. Anyway.. I was just getting started to prep for dinner and DH hollered up to me that Miss J was downstairs. She came up for about an hour to visit... we hadn't seen her since Christmas Eve!

Sunday, with the weather low system coming thru... I felt flattened out like a pancake. DH went to church without me... I just wasn't feeling it. I am still having trouble with my knee, and on Saturday, I was just miserable trying to walk. Needless to say... I wasn't in the best of spirits through part of the weekend and will be calling the doctors office today for another re-check appointment. We also managed to get Nolli-dog into the tub and scrubbed up. He is so white and cute and so very happy to have a bath. I would have some great pics of him, except that the batteries in the camera died on me! (Rats!)

This week is going to be a challenge for us... DH is working day shift today, locally in Scranton. Once his day is done... he'll come home to go straight to bed and then leave again at 10:00 tonight to work down near the PA-DE line in Bristol. He'll be doing 3 days of overnight work. He will have Thursday off and then go back on days on Friday. I'm trying to think of ways to keep myself occupied while he sleeps and keep everything quiet for him as well. Packing his lunch and fixing dinner will also be a challenge this week... I know he won't be eating too much.

Oh... just a quick update on Punky... the new food is working out well for her. We've turned the corner, I think. When she is feeling well... she's such a happy little dog! Her personality keeps us laughing and we are also surprised to see what she's going to do next as she becomes more and more secure with living with us! She is a joy and a delight to have! Miss J couldn't believe how much Punky's coat has grown and how luxurious her coat is... good nutrition and care shows!

I'm going to find something to help cure my Monday Blues... I may have to bake something. Of course... the extended forecast for this week... Snow, starting on Wednesday and going through until Monday of next week... and nothing about 28 degrees! (Last week was such a gift!)

Thanks for reading... be blessed!

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