Saturday, November 14, 2009

About a Year Ago...

I wrote about going to the Amish Farm Market... and even took a few pics of what we bought! DH and I have been back there a few times this past spring and summer. Today, we decided that I was in need of a little diversion from always going to the doctor or physical therapy and we set off to find some adventure. (Unfortunately we forgot the camera.)

We have a church dinner coming up in a couple of weeks... and we were not familiar with where the event site was... so we set off through the valley to find it. We did... it only took us a few minutes to figure out where the place was... so we were left with the rest of the afternoon... and off to the Poconos we went! We took all state highways, because it's more fun that way. We got to the Market and found lots of good stuff. We bought potatoes, radishes, (DH's favorite) butter, homemade breakfast bread, and some of the best sweet onions ever! Oh... and some whoppie pies, too! It was so good to get some of the last of the season's good stuff. They are only going to be there one more week and then they are done until April. Last year they were open until Christmas, but they said they're done for this year!

We also went to another Flea Market in Blakeslee... but it was a little depressing and quite run down. We just didn't like the 'vibe' around there. I was also getting tired. So... we decided to head to get some grub to eat and we ended up at Dunkin Donuts across the street! We ate lunch in the car and then headed up Rt. 940 east and then cut north. We ended up going across state park lands, passing an army depot along the way. We ended up so high up in elevation, that we were in thick, heavy fog for many miles. It was actually a fun drive. We ended up about 20 miles north of Scranton before hitting an Interstate Freeway to come home. We ended up driving around 120 miles today... munching on donut munch-kins and having a good time looking at the lay of the land as we drove.

Tonite... we are safely home... we've had a good dinner of spaghetti and garlic bread. Everyone is comfy and warm. DH is getting most of his gear together to travel this next week for work. He's headed to New York... and I'm facing my first week alone at home. I'm more than a little nervous that I won't be able to keep up with everything... but I know that if I pace myself and just stick to the basics and keep the dogs happy... I will survive without DH. I only have 2 appointments for the week... so that's a good thing. I just have to remember to get the trash out to the curb on Wednesday and space the dog walking so that I don't get too worn out.

Thanks for reading... be blessed!

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