Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Late Nite Run

Poor DH was not feeling good last night. He kept saying his throat was sore. I kept telling him to take sudafed or mucinex. I don't know if he did or not. When I finally went to bed last night... he was miserable and not able to sleep. So... off on a midnight trip to the "great Wal" as it is the closest store open that late. I took Nolli with me... he was up for a road trip.

It's kind of fun to go to the "great Wal" at that time of day. I rather enjoyed not having any crowds to contend with. And it's also interesting to see who works the late shift to stock and what is being done at that hour. I now know that green section of the produce aisle gets completely redone and cleaned. The baking aisle is also restocked, as are the canned goods aisles.

The pharmacy section is a ghost town. For the very first time since I moved here, I was alone in the pharmacy section. I was able to read labels and decide what I wanted to buy without having to move or try to jockey into position to get what I wanted. It was divine! I grabbed both Tylenol cold and sore throat medicine and Sucrets's lozenges. When I made it back home and doctored up DH, it was about 30 minutes for him to be sound asleep. I think I finally made it to bed around 2am. (Yeah... I took a nap today and am very behind.) I woke up groggy as did DH, but he felt a little better. I am feeling better... I have a little bit of sniffles and my voice is back. I am hoping we are both healthy again by the weekend.

Just as I fell asleep... the winter storm we were expecting let loose... I don't think we were to have thunder, but that's what it sounded like when the rain let go... it was very loud and woke me up, even with ear plugs in! It's been rather warm since yesterday and I am enjoying it.

Time for me to get going and try to stay motivated to get some cleaning done. I need to move some boxes too. I already have a handle on dinner... doing a simple meal of kielbasa and au gratin potatoes done in one dish with additional herbs and onion, and steamed broccoli on the side. That takes no time at all... I can throw it in the oven and keep on working til the timer goes off. DH likes it and it's easy on me.

Thanks for reading, be blessed!

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